Meet the Candidate

Together we the people achieve more than any single person or party can do alone. 

In less than one year its amazing what we've accomplished as far as creating a voice for the average American.


I was born and raised in a small town in New Hampshire.  Went to public high school, attended community college and went on to learn from some of the greatest mentors a guy could ever ask for, including prominent business leaders, inventors, educators, and political figures. 

Work History

I started working at the young age of 14 doing whatever I could to earn the things I wanted in life. As a young teen I worked in the service industry, made pizzas, even mowed lawns and raked leaves, doing whatever it took to earn my spending money. I eventually started working a Harley Davidson dealership where I developed web skills, learned to build and update websites, and run promotional and marketing events. I went on to work for a major window distributer, where I learned all about construction and energy efficiency. After that I worked for a News Company as a digital coordinator and promoted to business operations for our entire group. There I learned how the media works, funds itself, and the role it played within the community and how important it was to have local journalism. 


I learned from some pretty great mentors, including the owners of the companies I worked for, as prominent business figures in the State of New Hampshire, one of MIT’s most influential inventors of all time, and some Political players within the state.
I was very fortunate in life to have great leaders to look up to, and mentors to learn from, although I wasn’t afforded an Ivy league or traditional education, I learned from doing and from some of the truly best experts in their respected industries. Many of these people saw my passion and intellect and gave me a shot, and took their time to teach me lessons I might not have learned otherwise. Learning from someone who has accomplished many things, lead industries, and someone who is humble enough to teach that to someone else, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. It taught me a great deal of lessons, from treating your employees, and customers right and they’ll keep coming back, to ho to patent and leverage a great idea and product into an actual patent application and commercial success, to leveraging partnerships with state and federal agencies. I was very fortunate to be able too learn and be taken under their wing of some truly great people

Campaign is power


Years Old




Primary Votes


Press releases

OUR history

Know more about

How it all started

Filed Presidential Primary Paperwork

Filed Presidential Primary Peperwork with David Scanlon the Secretary of State

October 2023

Concord, New Hampshire

Started working on Campaign

Began the process of creating the campaign and taking interviews, and speaking with individuals, and community members on issues facing America today.

November 2023

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Started creating a platform for reform and problem solving

Started tackling the toughest issues and writing press releases for toughest issues facing America today

November 2023

Leading the Party

Recieved overwhelming support in the NH Primary

Small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

January 23, 2024

In less than one year its amazing what we've accomplished as far as creating a voice for the average American.