Derek for President

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.

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Everything that becomes true starts with a plan


Our mission & vision for America

Together we the PEOPLE achieve more than any single
person, or party could ever do alone.

The peoples voice is louder than any single person, or party

Together we the people achieve more than any single person could alone. Cooperation and a change of mentality to come together to balance the budgets, secure borders, refine immigration policy, civil rights and fix problems facing America.

We need an adapt and adopt mentality right now, progress, people and results matter now more than ever

More Manufacturing means more jobs

More manufacturing in the United States not only secures national interests, but provides a substantial amount of American jobs.

Lowering the cost of electricity and operating costs of manufacturing operations lowers the cost of goods and makes American products competitive again.

Economical Stability

A strong economy starts with strong middle class and job creation.

With a stronger Economy, families are to able to build an increased demand for US manufactured products, housing, consumer goods etc. A stronger economy, means healthier families, more choices, jobs, and small businesses.

Lowering energy costs to boost the economy

Derek announced plans to increase more localized energy solutions, and look more towards Green energy for a sustainable future.

Creating a more localized green energy infrastructure increases our ability to become more secure and less reliant on few large transmission lines, power outages, and drains.

Better Educational Environment

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change peoples ideas and way of thinking.

Through bi-partisan cooperation, beneficial bills can and will be passed with actionable projects and results. Our progress now will impact generations to come, they will learn from past and present mistakes, and propel innovation, science, technology and ethics.

Campaign Contribution

We donate a portion of all campaign funds back into your communities



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Willing to take on tough issues

Standing up for the people, not special interest groups


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from supporters like you

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